Church Life+Ministry

Higher Goals
Brazilian evangelicals will be ready when nation hosts 2014 World Cup.
Presbyterians Adopt Middle-East Report
Original report, accused of bias and imbalance, was heavily revised before vote.
A Hand Up: Aid for Trade in Mozambique
Faith-based model teaches rural poor how to use trade to rise out of poverty.
Needed: More Monocultural Ministries
Why Christians shouldn't try to fit every ethnic group into the same ministry mold.
Churches Adopt Adoption
Churches are getting real about adoption's challenges—and helping families after the child arrives.
Adoption Is Everywhere
Even God is into it.
Why Every Christian Is Called to Support Adoption
Abba changes everything.
Sheep Stealing Studied
Presbyterians weigh guidelines for reformists.
Should Churches Increase 2011 Budgets?
Financial advisers, researchers, and other observers weigh in on whether churches should increase their operating budgets next year.
Green Plus Christian Isn't New Math
How concerned Christians should be about environmental care.
'Something Better Than Revival'
Buenos Aires pastors believe their city of 13 million should have only one church.
Mixed Blessings
Love offerings prove taxing.
Joni Eareckson Tada Battles Breast Cancer Again
Update: The evangelist announced a cancerous tumor returned to the site of her 2010 mastectomy.
A Combustible Faith
How politics and religion forged Christian orthodoxy. A review of Philip Jenkins' latest book 'Jesus Wars.'
Blinded By Stuff
Radical: Taking back your faith from the American dream.
Who Are Americans?
What Christians contribute to the search for a national identity.
My Top 5 Books on Sabbath Rest
Picks from Keri Wyatt Kent, author of 'Rest: Living in Sabbath Simplicity.'
The Risks God Takes
Why a little church history is a dangerous—and necessary—thing.

Top Story June 14, 2024

PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
The author of the bestseller died last year. The investigation will determine if the book is appropriate for Christians.

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