Church Life+Ministry

Reveling in the Mystery
Sometimes in order to see God, we have to learn to not know him.
The Art of Cyber Church
Joel Hunter is known by many as part of President Obama's inner circle of pastors. Fewer know him as one of America's most innovative church planters.
Who's Afraid of Witches?
Among African Christians, too many of us are.
Saving Witches in Kolwezi
Accused of witchcraft by parents and churches, children in the Democratic Republic of Congo are being rescued by Christian activists.
Past, Present, Future
Why we love Christian history.
A Common Hope
Much of 'Calvinism' is simply Christianity
Theologian of the Spirit
Calvin was no charismatic, but he was closer to it than some Reformed people readily admit.
Man of the Bible
When it comes to careful exegesis and consistent theological systems, Calvin set the bar high.
Amiable Impasse
Charitable Catholic/evangelical dialogue snags on imputation, authority.
Calvin's Biggest Mistake
Why he assented to the execution of Michael Servetus.
The Reluctant Reformer
Calvin would have preferred the library carrel to the pulpit.
John Calvin: Comeback Kid
Why the 500-year-old Reformer retains an enthusiastic following today.
Vacationing with the Pagans
Watching the Beatles in fast-forward reminded me of just how far we've come in four decades.
A Unifying Vocation
Why development work and gospel work cannot be put asunder.
How the ELCA Left the Great Tradition for Liberal Protestantism
There is no authoritative biblical or theological guidance in the church. There are only many voices.
Career Counseling in Church
More congregations launch job-search programs for the unemployed.
Why Churchless Christianity Doesn't Work
Kevin DeYoung defends the institutional church.
The Accidental Anglican
On his journey from Calvary Chapel through the Vineyard, the emerging church, the Alpha Course, and now the Anglican Mission in America, Todd Hunter has remained tightly focused on evangelism.
Shuttle Mission to Include Missionary History
Astronaut plans to take a piece of a plane used by Nate Saint, who was slain in Ecuador in 1956.
A Pretty Good Religion
Be wary of anyone who starts praising Christianity.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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