Church Life+Ministry

Lennon's 'Last Temptation'
The symbol of the sixties is desecrated, and a generation falls headlong into its midlife crisis.
Sex Isn't Work
Red-Light Rescue
The 'business' of helping the sexually exploited help themselves.
Reviewing the Fundamentals
Ted Haggard's fall raises crucial questions about holiness.
Three Purposes of Christmas
Saddleback's Warren to address global audience over holiday weekend.
Deaths of Allen Finley and Pierre Gemayel, Installation of Katharine Jefferts Schori, and other stories.
Exodus from the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
Plus: Another New Life pastor quits, Joan of Arc "relics" studied, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Fleeing Nineveh
Threatened by persistent violence, Assyrian Christians in Iraq want to govern themselves.
Blue Law Special
Study: Laws banning Sunday commerce encourage moral behavior.
Banking on Breast Milk
One ministry's unusual approach to saving AIDS orphans in Africa.
The Importance of Knowing What's Important
Being a counterculture for the common good begins with what we choose to focus on--and to overlook.
Does Darfur Have a Prayer?
Genocide in western Sudan proves nearly impossible to stop.
Jim Bakker Made Me Do It
The Road to Restoration
How should the church treat its fallen leaders?
The Private Lives of Public Leaders
Believers once stood watch with each other. Now they have learned to wink at questionable ethical choices.
Are All Sins Created Equal?
Ghost Growth
Baptist report: Some 'failed' church plants never existed.
Spoils of Victory
Pro-life Democrats hope party's takeover will remove stigma.
The Pain at New Life
One family deals with its pastor's fall.
Devastated by an Affair
How churches heal after the pastor commits adultery.

Top Story June 15, 2024

PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
The author of the bestseller died last year. The investigation will determine if the book is appropriate for Christians.

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