Must Reads

Confessions of a Loner
Confessions of a Loner
As a newlywed and a new mother, I built exactly the life I wanted. The only thing missing was everyone else.
The Secret Sin of ‘Mommy Juice’
The Secret Sin of ‘Mommy Juice’
Alcoholism among women is rising. Can the church help?
Was Paul a Slave?
Was Paul a Slave?
The surprising argument that Saul of Tarsus was born into bondage.
Haitians Are Ministering at the End of the World
Haitians Are Ministering at the End of the World
As Haiti is uprooted by violence, church leaders treat gunshot wounds, give up homes for strangers, and rescue dignitaries.
Will ‘Complementarianism’ Survive?
Will ‘Complementarianism’ Survive?
I want to continue to call myself a complementarian. But we need to reclaim the term.
Complementarian at Home, Egalitarian at Church? Paul Would Approve.
Complementarian at Home, Egalitarian at Church? Paul Would Approve.
The biggest New Testament passages on gender roles may have more to do with marriage than ministry.
The Evil Ideas Behind October 7
The Evil Ideas Behind October 7
The Hamas attacks in Israel have a grotesque ideological history and deserve unflinching moral judgment.
His Law Is Love and His Gospel Is Peace
His Law Is Love and His Gospel Is Peace
A Palestinian Israeli Christian reflects on Christmas, justice, and war in Gaza.
Beyond Narnia, Ramona, and Green Gables
Beyond Narnia, Ramona, and Green Gables
A conversation with Christian authors, editors, and more about contemporary children’s literature and how to find the right books for your kids.
Christianity Today’s 2024 Book Awards
Christianity Today’s 2024 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.

Top Story July 27, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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