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What Transgender People Need from Conservative Christians
We’ll never reach them with biblical truth without first understanding their experiences.
Does Evangelism Jeopardize Authentic Artistic Expression?
What an Old Testament artist tells us about aesthetic vocation.
I Grew Up in a Ministry Family—and I Hated It
But as I poured out my anger on the world, Jesus was waiting to pour out his perfect love.
Isaac Backus: An 18th-Century Evangelical with 21st-Century Wisdom
On questions of race, religious liberty, and political power, the Baptist preacher should be our guiding light.
Heard the One About the Jewish Man, the Roman Demon, and the Gentile Pigs?
Exploring the multiple meanings behind a New Testament “political cartoon.”
Blessed Are the Slow
Scripture reminds us that love—and loving communication—is patient.
Our July/August Issue: Tragedy's Many Angles
When it takes more than one story to tell a story.
Out of the Flood
Three teens survived a rising river at a Bible camp in Comfort, Texas. Would their faith?
Richard Stearns: ‘Every Day Is a Celebration’
After 20 years of tackling the “hole in our gospel,” World Vision's most recent president is fine retiring with some tasks unfinished.
Meet the World Cup Stars Who Love Jesus
These athletes aren’t quiet about using their global platforms to share their faith.
10 New or Lesser-Known Female Theologians Worth Knowing
More and more evangelical women are pursuing higher education in theology. Here are a few you haven’t heard of yet.
Mending Men’s Ministry
How to disciple in an era of male floundering.
What’s Behind the Sudden Rise of Jordan Peterson?
Why Peterson's message of morals, manners and masculinity resonates with evangelicals.
The Man-Friendly Church
These three congregations don’t have a men’s ministry. Why men—and their families—still love them.
I Thought God Could Never Love a Convicted Murderer. I Was Wrong.
How I found eternal life on death row.
How to Become America’s Fastest-Growing Church? Think Like a Startup.
Cincinnati’s Crossroads uses entrepreneurial strategies for gospel ends.
Whatever Happened to Gifts of Language, Prophecy, and Healing?
Let’s ask the early church fathers.
The Ministry of the Disabled
How Christians with intellectual disabilities are serving churches (not just being served by them).
God’s Divine Plan for Muslim Immigrants
Data about how Muslims come to Christ should affect our thinking on immigration.
The 10 Celebrities Evangelicals Trust Most and Least on Politics
Survey ranks political endorsements from Trump to Oprah to Jerry Falwell Jr.

Top Story June 1, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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