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Whatever Your Secret Sins, the Psalms Will Give You the Courage to Come Clean
Hiding from God (and neighbor) is dehumanizing, but honest prayer and confession bring healing and freedom.
My Generation Prized ‘Authenticity.’ Why I’ve Come to Love Wearing a Mask.
I'm only my truest self when I'm playing the role of disciple.
Beth Moore: God Uses Your Mistakes for Good
In the Lord’s economy, nothing is wasted—not even rotten fruit.
Pastors Need Friends Born for Adversity
When beloved congregants turned on me, who could I trust for advice?
What If I’m Not the ‘Submissive’ Type?
I used to be repulsed by Ephesians 5. Then I learned to see Paul’s instructions through a gospel lens.
Nobodies Were the First to Know
When God announced the birth of Christ to sweaty, uncouth shepherds, he signaled something important about the kind of Messiah he was sending.
Theologians: Don’t Lose Sight of Theology’s Most Basic Task
Students and teachers alike need to remember the difference between knowing theology and knowing God.
My Advice to Struggling Artists: Seek First God’s Kingdom
The key to creativity is worship and prayer.
My Road to Emmaus Ran Through East Los Angeles
Suffering and ministry turmoil left me devastated. Jesus met me there.
The Early Church Thrived Amid Secularism and Shows How We Can, Too
The pre-Christendom church managed to avoid both isolationism and accommodationism. Their model gives us a map for post-Christendom challenges.
David Platt: In a Tiny House on a Remote Mountainside, I Saw the Church as God Designed It
Those who come have very little. But they have everything they need.
Here Come the Skinny Cows
Four reasons tithes and offerings are about to drop dramatically.
Jesus Didn’t Suffer to Prove a Philosophical Point
What the cross teaches us about his remarkable patience.
How Billy Graham Learned the Art of Preaching
The late evangelist called himself the “champion rambler.”
Why Niceness Weakens Our Witness
I can’t follow Christ and also succeed at being nice.
Why ‘Let Go and Let God’ Is My Lifeline
Trusting in the Lord has made my life both easier and harder.
The Bible’s Impact on Human Rights
The ideas of human dignity and respect for all didn’t develop in a vacuum.
The Apostles Never ‘Shared’ the Gospel, and Neither Should We
Why it’s time to retire our favorite evangelistic phrase.
Praising God with Our Testimonies
According to the Psalms, it's an act of disobedience to keep quiet about his love and faithfulness.
The Bonhoeffer That History Overlooked
In 1946, a man named Ernst Lohmeyer disappeared from East Germany. It took me three decades to piece together his story.

Top Story June 1, 2024

The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
Among the former president’s antagonists and admirers alike, there is a great deal of calling evil good and good evil.

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