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Phil Vischer: God Doesn't Need You to Spaz Out in His Name
Maybe sometimes, God wants you to be still instead.
Phil Vischer: He Who Has God and Many Things ...
Sometimes God just wants to know that he's still more important than your dream.
Phil Vischer: God Could Have ... But He Didn't
The way Phil Vischer lost it all.
Phil Vischer: I Was Going to Be Walt Disney
Phil Vischer begins his story of gain and loss by describing the beginning of the Veggie Tales enterprise.
Skye Jethani: All Work is Acceptable to God
Why do we believe that some work is sacred, while other work is simply "permissable?"
Skye Jethani: The Two Creation Mandates
God gave man two mandates: one was marital—but the first one was cultural.
Amy Sherman: Vocation is Not Incidental
We're here to offer the world a foretaste of the Kingdom of God.
Amy Sherman: One Woman's Story
The work millenials are called to is more than just a phase.
Amy Sherman: Why Millennials Leave
It might have more to do with our conversations on work than you think.
Amy Sherman: It's More Than Evangelism
It's not about what 'kind' of banker you are.
Amy Sherman: Secular Jobs Don't Make Second-Class Christians
The way we talk about the workplace can determine the way we disciple our congregation.
Skye Jethani: Dorothy Sayers and the Church's Biggest Failure
What does it mean to stop separating "church" work from "secular" work?
Skye Jethani: Redeeming Work Introduction
What makes us human?
A Local Pastor Turned Public School Champion
Don Coleman, Richmond's newly elected school board chairman, wants more churches to adopt local, struggling schools.
Andy Crouch: The Missing Chapters
How Genesis 1-2 and Revelation 21-22 are vital to understanding culture.
Andy Crouch: The Definition of Culture
Culture is the fruit of the human quest for meaning in the world.
Andy Crouch: Discerning Culture
Discernment is the Christian name for a healthy immune system.
John Maxwell: There's No Shortcut to a Legacy
Don't seek fame. Seek faithfulness.
Jud Wilhite: Faithful and Sincere Hearts
Here's the key to overcoming the emotional rollercoasters of ministry.
John Ortberg: Easy Job or Easy Yoke?
The inner ease of Jesus will let you handle hard ministry.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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