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Does Religiosity Encourage Teen Pregnancy?
An interview with Joseph Strayhorn, the co-author of "Religion and Teen Pregnancy Rates."
U.K. Christian Says Yes to Abstinence, No to Gardasil
Should women like Simone Davis be required to take STD-preventing shots if they are not having sex?
Every Older Singles' Battle
With Singled Out, Christine Colón imagines what celibacy might look like for today's evangelicals.
Wings for the Single Person
When the 'true love waits' pledge card has worn off.
The Waiting Game
Single adults can live fulfilling lives that reveal God's goodness.
The Case for Early Marriage
Amid our purity pledges and attempts to make chastity hip, we forgot to teach young Christians how to tie the knot.
It's Never Been about the Abstinence Pledge Itself
Researchers should ask what causes teens to abstain, not whether a public vow is a magic bullet.
Study: Abstinence Pledges Aren't Enough
New research says the mere act of taking a public vow won't keep teens from sex.
Choosing Celibacy
How to stop thinking of singleness as a problem.
No Sex [Before Marriage], Please … We're Christian
Miss America preaches a 2000-year-old message.
Rise of the Rebel Virgins
Why we refrain even when premarital sex is safe and "natural."
Fiction from the Headlines
The Abstinence Teacher nearly turns fundies into real people.
HIV/AIDS: S.L.O.W. It Down, or S.T.O.P. It?
Saddleback's Kay Warren offers a dual framework for fighting the virus.
Abstinence Brings 'Dignity'
Traveling in Africa, First Lady Laura Bush speaks in favor of faith-based HIV prevention.
The Spirit of Faithfulness
Another public failure in fidelity calls us back to the message of the Cross.
'Safe Sex' for the Whole Nation
Why mandating the HPV vaccine is not a good idea.
Warren, Hybels Urge Churches to Wage 'War on AIDS'
Hundreds of evangelicals attending Disturbing Voices conference repent, refocus on outreach to outcasts.
Abolishing Abstinence
Telling underage kids not to have sex is surprisingly controversial.
Sex in the Body of Christ
Chastity is a spiritual discipline for the whole church.
Why We're Losing the War Against HIV/AIDS
Harvard's Edward C. Green says health officials undermine abstinence and fidelity programs in Africa.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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