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Considering 'Curing' Down Syndrome with Caution
Why we shouldn't be too quick to think disabilities need correcting.
Faith and Choice
My Top 5 Books on Life Ethics
The Lab Rat of the 21st Century
The new executive director at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity discusses recent bioethical debates.
Q & A: Francis Collins
The former director of the Human Genome Project hopes to show compatibility between Christianity and science.
Be Careful What You Wish For
Access to federal money may be mixed blessing for embryonic research.
The Empty Promise of Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Why scientific breakthroughs make the destruction of human embryos obsolete.
In Over His Pay Grade
When science is made 'apolitical' and 'unencumbered by religion,' it's usually to hyper-politicize and hyper-sacralize it.
Ignorance as Blessing
Foreknowledge: for God and not for us.
The Christian DNA of Modern Genetics
Though open to frightening ethical abuse, genetics has been a Christian vocation since Gregor Mendel did his famous pea-plant experiments in the mid-nineteenth century.
Presidential Clones
All three candidates have voted to fund embryonic stem-cell research.
Hybrid Test Drive
Advances in stem-cell technology cheer and alarm ethics watchers.
Brave New Salvation
A vision of a sinless future.
Stem Cell Bill's Bad (Or Providential?) Timing
Plus: Surgeon general nominee's Methodist work under fire, Time interviews Rowan Williams, church building conflicts, and other stories from online sources around the world.
U.K.'s Solution to Multiple Problems: One at a Time
Britain may tighten IVF laws to prevent multiple pregnancies.
Re-engineering Temptation
Fuzzy science sparks debate over treatments to reverse homosexuality.
The Slope Really Is Slippery
Why we struggle to gain our moral footing in bioethics.
Remains of the Day
Scholars dismiss filmmakers' assertions that Jesus and his family were buried in Jerusalem.
Fluid Solution
Research advance could shift stem-cell debate.
Creation or Evolution? Yes!
Francis Collins issues a call to stand on the middle ground.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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