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Cloning Still Haunts California
Remember Prop. 71? Stem-cell research supporters hope voters don't remember the promises they made.
Live Patients & Dead Mice
The little-known story of the stem cells that actually work.
Ethics Interrupted
What does it mean when even embryonic stem-cell researchers have some qualms about their work?
Stemming the Embryonic Tide
Pro-lifers face a scientific and public relations juggernaut.
The Stem-Cell Conspiracy
The Washington Post muddles a major breakthrough in adult stem-cell research, while the U.K. marches blindly on.
Brave New Puppy
Introducing our new life ethics weblog.
Gender Is No Disease
Our children's sex is not something to be screened but gratefully received.
When Backward Is Forward
Christmas may be the best argument against genetic enhancement.
California's Prop. 71 Stem-Cell 'Scam'
Supporters of cloning embryos for research have $11 million to convince state voters.
It's Not About Stem Cells
Why we must clarify the debate over harvesting embryos.
Book challenges Native American link to ancient Israel.
Britain Starts Cloning
Plus: Who's going to New York, the next big movie controversy, the fundamentalist press, and other stories from online sources around the world.
The Proposition 71 Stem Cell Scam
The biotech lobby is attempting to buy a law in California, Wesley J. Smith says.
Cloning Report Breeds Confusion
Does it open the door to 'therapeutic cloning'?
A Law that Shouldn't be Cloned
New Jersy legalizes human cloning for research.
Winning them softly
Evangelicals try to reach Mormons with respect - and hard science.
The Techno Sapiens Are Coming
When God fashioned man and woman, he called his creation very good. Transhumanists say that, by manipulating our bodies with microscopic tools, we can do better. Are we ready for the great debate?
Define 'Better'
One person's improvement is another person's degeneration.
A Matter of Life and Death
Why shouldn't we use our embryos and genes to make our lives better? The world awaits a Christian answer

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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