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Casper-Friendly Theology
More Christians than you'd imagine believe in ghosts.
Come, Lord Jesus—But Not Too Soon
Why it's hard to be heavenly minded.
Finding Heaven
Where is heaven, and how will we experience it before the final resurrection?
Vegetarians in Paradise
Based on Isaiah 11:6-7 and 65:25, will we be vegetarians in the new heaven and earth as Adam and Eve were before the Fall?
This World Really Is Our Home
We're not just passing through, says theologian Michael Wittmer, author of Heaven Is a Place on Earth.
Celestial Sights
'Room of Marvels' is a vision of what heaven might look like.
What Lazarus Might Have Said
Facing the Self-Sufficient
How do you pastor someone who doesn't see a need for God?
What Will Heaven Be Like?
Thirty-five frequently asked questions about eternity.
Afraid of Heaven
We do not yearn to be near God because we do not find sin utterly repugnant or goodness rapturously attractive.
Harleys in Heaven
"What Christians have thought of the afterlife, & what difference it makes now"
Archive: Pilgrim's Paradise
Heaven's bliss was among Edwards's favorite preaching themes.
The Dazzling 'Dumb Ox'
His family thought he was throwing his life away. His classmates thought he was stupid. They didn't understand.
In God's Country
Those who believe that God rewards righteous nations have Orosius to admire and Augustine to dispute.
What About Purgatory?
The doctrinal grounding of Dante's mysterious mountain.
Divine Imagination
By describing a pilgrimage through the realms of death, Dante shares his vision of how Christians should live.
Dante and the Divine Comedy: Did You Know?
What a famous painting suggests about Dante's life, legend, and legacy.
Goodness, Gracious(ness), Great Balls of Fire
Visions of eternity just aren't what they used to be.
A Tale of Two Cities
It's a shame about Rome, but wait—there's more! What a fifth-century critic might have said.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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