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Top Ten New Testament Archaeological Finds of the Past 150 Years
"How do shrouds, boats, inscriptions, and other artifacts better help us understand the Christ of the Ages?"
What Do the Stones Cry Out?
Beware of claims that archaeology disproves—or proves—the Bible is true
Listening to the Fifth Gospel
The sun-baked ruins of the Holy Land have a story to tell
Israel's Anti-Family Values
Christians should be outraged by a law thwarting Israeli-Palestinian marriages
Row Seethes in Bethlehem Over Keys to the Birthplace of Jesus
"Greek Orthodox monks changed locks, refuse to share keys with Catholics and Armenians"
Roadblocks and Voting Blocs
Today's evangelicals are committed to peace—not just security—for Israel
'U.S. Credibility Hangs on Whether It Can Do Justice for the Palestinians'
A Palestinian Christian and former PCUSA moderator talks about his faith and critiques Bush's road map to peace in the Middle East
The Evangelical View of Israel?
Evangelicals are more diverse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than we are led to believe
Israeli Officials Say James Ossuary, Joash Tablet are Fakes
Canadian government will legalize gay marriage nationwide, AMA supports human cloning, Sgt.'s Kuwait grenade attack was religiously motivated, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Ossuary Questions Remain
Israel Antiquities Authority says brother of Jesus inscription is a forgery, but supporters say its report may be flawed
A Middle Way in the Middle East
A third theological path through the Israeli-Palestinian thicket
War Could Reduce Holy Land's Christian Presence
Palestinian bishop fears current hostilities could continue a trend that sees Christians forced out of the area altogether.
"Weblog: Israel Inspects James Ossuary, But Joash Tablet Has Disappeared"
"Christian radio giant's stock plummets after bad news, and other stories from around the world"
Finding God in a Box
Have archaeological discoveries like the James ossuary served or obscured the quest to verify the Bible?
Good Samaritan tangled in red tape.
Jonathan Miles battles red tape to connect Israeli doctors and Palestinian children
James Ossuary Owner Revealed, Under Fire from Israeli Government
Last-minute electioneering, and other stories from online sources from around the world
Stunning New Evidence that Jesus Lived
Scholars link first-century bone box to James, brother of Jesus.
Darkness at Jesus' Tomb
A fight breaks out on the roof of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Herod's Stadium
"Israeli archaeologists discover 2,000-year-old stadium"
Israel Deports American Christian Who Helped Sick Palestinian Children
Government says Jonathan Miles was in country illegally, but Light to the Nations founder denies accusation.

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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