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Let the Seas Rise and Feed the Poor
Helping marine biodiversity flourish is a means of participating in God’s work, says an Indonesian theologian.
Filipinos and Americans Diverge on Trusting Pastors
Studies find that while less than a third of Americans trust church leaders, 90 percent of Filipinos do.
인도네시아에서 밝은색의 피부를 선호함에 따라 일부 기독교인들이 이에 반발하고 있다.
사회에 확고히 자리 잡은 색차별주의에 반대하는 신자들이 성경에서 여성의 자존감을 어떻게 재정의하는지 말한다.
Make Nepal Hindu Again: Christians Concerned by Rising Religious Nationalism
Hindutva ideology is crossing the border from India and making ministry more challenging for churches in the former Hindu kingdom.
How a Chinese-Born Research Scientist Became a Daring Online Evangelist
CT’s outgoing Asia editor recalls how God led him to America, toward the Christian faith, onto the internet, and outward to serve the global Chinese church.
인도네시아의 운명론: 그리스도인들도 ‘인샬라’라고 말하는가
그 태도가 인도네시아의 교회 안팎에서 어떻게 나타나는지
La foi chrétienne du « Samouraï aux yeux bleus »
La série Shōgun nous replonge dans les débuts du christianisme au Japon et nous interroge sur la foi du premier protestant à avoir mis le pied dans l’archipel.
After Taiwan’s Powerful Earthquake, Christian Aid Groups Work to Rebuild Lives
On an island where Buddhist disaster relief is prominent, Christians work with churches to care for children and families.
Gereja di Indonesia Memerangi Kerawanan Pangan
Musim kemarau panjang mengancam kehidupan petani di desa Kemadang hingga lumbung padi yang dikelola gereja memberi harapan.
Vietnam’s New Religious Decree Further Burdens Local Churches
Pastors and religious liberty advocates worry the government’s effort to manage religion will bring tighter control.
The Christian Faith of ‘Shogun’s’ ‘Blue-Eyed Samurai’
The real-life John Blackthorne was an Englishman who came to be known as Anjin. What the letters he left behind reveal about his relationship with God.
The Regulation Suffocating Christian Ministries in India
Designed to monitor foreign funding, more recently FCRA has crippled numerous organizations. Is it intentional?
Dapatkah ‘Uang Haram’ Melakukan Pekerjaan Tuhan? Umat Kristiani di Indonesia Memberi Pendapat.
Bagaimana gereja dan lembaga pelayanan di Indonesia menyikapi penerimaan—dan pengembalian dana—donasi dari korupsi dan sumber lain yang bertentangan dengan etika alkitabiah?
Sudah Menjadi Garis Hidup Suku, Rumah Sakit Misi Borneo Kini Membutuhkannya Sendiri
Ketika para dokter asing pergi, pendanaan berkurang, dan layanan kesehatan lokal membaik, Bethesda mempertimbangkan masa depannya.
How One Indonesian Church Is Fighting Food Insecurity
In the village of Kemadang, long dry spells threatened local farmers’ livelihoods until a church-led granary brought hope.
Dari Melukis Sean Connery Hingga Menulis Lagu Pujian Indonesia yang Hits
Ketika gemetar tangannya mengakhiri karir Herry Priyonggo sebagai pelukis poster film pada usia 22 tahun, ia mengubah penderitaan itu menjadi nyanyian. Kini Tuhan bahkan menuntunnya kembali ke kanvas.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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