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L’ambivalente histoire des missions évangéliques en Haïti
Pour comprendre la crise vécue par cette nation insulaire et ce que l’Église peut être appelée à faire, il faut commencer par ce que nous n’avons pas fait.
Close Encounters of the Elite Institutional Kind
How a contested alien abduction claim from the 1960s helps explain modern cynicism toward credentialed experts and organizations.
Napoleon Uncomplex
Ridley Scott’s “Napoleon” is well-cast, well-made, and without a thought-provoking theory of its subject’s world-changing appeal.
Sudanese Protestant Church Destroyed in All Saints’ Day Bombing
The largest and second-oldest church in Omdurman was hit following similar bombings targeting local evangelical schools.
Christian Whistleblower Who Won $70M Was Motivated by ‘Moral Clarity’
Sarah Feinberg said she had the responsibility to do the right thing when she discovered fraud at her government contractor employer.
Capellanes evangélicos en Ucrania se juegan la vida para orar
Pastores se alistan para ministrar dentro del ejército a fin de ayudar con las necesidades físicas y espirituales mientras continúan los combates.
Putting Their Prayers on the Line, Evangelical Chaplains Minister on Multiple Fronts in Ukraine
New rules integrate pastors into the military to help with physical and spiritual needs as fighting continues.
Lo que los evangélicos le debemos a Haití
Para entender la crisis del país isleño y lo que debemos hacer ahora, veamos primero lo que no hicimos.
나는 왜 북한을 돕는 데 나의 반평생을 보냈는가?
그 지역의 정치적, 군사적 긴장에도 불구하고, 기독교인친한회(Christian Friends of Korea) 이사장은 의료 사역에 헌신하고 있다.
What Evangelicals Owe Haiti
To understand the island nation’s crisis and what the church must do now, start with what we didn’t do.
Advisory Panel: No More Canadian Military Chaplains Who Believe in Conversion, Male Leadership
Evangelicals object to “extremely troubling” proposal that would exclude many religious groups.
Adelante. Ora por la caída de Putin.
Los salmos imprecatorios nos dan permiso para presionar valientemente contra el mal.
Vá em frente. Ore pela morte de Putin.
Os salmos imprecatórios nos dão permissão para lutar com ousadia contra o mal.
Go Ahead. Pray for Putin’s Demise.
The imprecatory psalms give us permission to push boldly against evil.
Así se vive el ministerio en un refugio antibombas en Ucrania
Gracias a las sirenas de ataque aéreo, los vecinos y los refugiados escuchan el Evangelio más que nunca.
Abrigo antibombas se transforma em ministério na Ucrânia
Graças às sirenes de ataques aéreos, vizinhos do abrigo e refugiados estão ouvindo mais do que nunca o evangelho.
Bomb Shelter Ministry in My Ukrainian Town
Thanks to air raid sirens, neighbors and refugees are hearing more about the gospel than ever.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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