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Are you tolerant? (Should you be?)
Deconstructing the gospel of tolerance.
Hell-Hatched Free Lovism'
Evangelicals were none too eager to welcome the Pentecostals
Defending the Cannibals
How Christians responded to the sometimes strange accusations of their critics.
Deadly Compassion (Part 1 of 3)
Some support physician-assisted suicide out of fear of a lonely, pain-filled death. Here are four professionals who are making the dying a part of the church's ministry.
Deadly Compassion (Part 2 of 3)
Some support physician-assisted suicide out of fear of a lonely, pain-filled death. Here are four professionals who are making the dying a part of the church's ministry.
Deadly Compassion (Part 3 of 3)
Some support physician-assisted suicide out of fear of a lonely, pain-filled death. Here are four professionals who are making the dying a part of the church's ministry.
Robert Bork: Give Me Liberty, But Don't Give Me Filth
The legal theorist and Supreme Court nominee makes a case for censorship.
A Long Reach
The Clapham Sect's impact in India—and the world.
Child Labor: White Slavery
Children were perhaps the most mistreated people in England.
Into the Heart of Paganism
Why did Paul, the traveling missionary, set down roots in Corinth and Ephesus?
From Child-Killing to Mysticism
Four examples of the pluralistic challenge that Paul faced
The Apostle Paul and His Times: A Gallery of Paul's Inner Circle
What happened to the people who worked most closely with him?
ARTICLE: Here Comes the World, Part 1
The whole experience of watching other students, asking questions, and eating cafeteria food definitely makes a lasting impression
My Genes Made Me Do It
Evolutionary psychology may explain why we commit adultery—but not why we don't.
The First Scandal
How church discipline was handled in Reformed Scotland.
Camp Meetings and Circuit Riders: Did You Know?
Little Known Facts about Camp Meetings and Circuit Riders
Revival at Cane Ridge
What exactly happened at the most important camp meeting in American history?
Fear of Looking Forward

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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