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Ministering To The Depressed
An estimated fifteen million Americans suffer from serious depression. Many are church members.
A Biblical Style of Leadership
Alcoholics in the Church: What One Church Is Doing
When needs surface in a congregation it sometimes takes creative programs to meet them.
Gladys Hunt shares five books that are helping her in ministry.
Stanley Long shares five books that are helping him in ministry.
The Greening Of A Discussion Leader
Good discussions don't just happen. Here's how one leader started out and failed--but through trial and error discovered what makes discussion work.
Where To Hold A Discussion
Comments From the Editor
Planting Seeds and Watching them Grow
An interview with Dr. Richard C. Halverson
Recycling Pastors*
Good leadership is a limited resource that must be carefully nurtured and renewed. David McKenna advocates a great idea that could go far toward eliminating leadership frustration, waste, and break-down.
Three Anxieties
A look at pastoral care by a minister who spent six weeks flat on his back.
A Look at Grief
Tragedy seldom gives warning. A pastor and his wife share how they dealt with a family's grief.
Small Groups: How One Church Does It
A pastor shares a working model of how Christians can build supporting relationships into each other.
I've Been Uneasy Since the War
Lay Counselling Within The Local Church
Lay counseling accomplishes many things: it involves members in the work of the church, it provides a fulfilling ministry for lay persons, it takes a load off the pastor. It also solves people's problems.
Seeing Yourself as Others See You
A Christian leader tells how he embarked on a self-examiniation program at the onset of his fortieth birthday.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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