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It's Not About the Crusades
The clash with Islam is over new global realities.
Not What It Seems
A bird's-eye view of contemporary evangelicalism.
A Tale of Five Herods
If you had five minutes with the President, what would you say?
Middle East Morass
Learning to regard people in light of what they suffer.
Grappling with God
Prayer sometimes feels like a hug and a stranglehold at the same time.
Postcard from Africa
Where hope and despair live side by side.
The Lure of Theocracy
As we flee decadence, we must watch where we step.
A Long, Warm Glow
A respected evangelical elder on the life of faith.
For God's Sake
What 147 elk taught me about prayer.
The Word on the Street
What the homeless taught me about prayer.
Exploring a Parallel Universe
Why does the word evangelical threaten so many people in our culture?
God Behind Barbed Wire
How a Nazi-soldier-turned-theologian found hope.
The Japanese Joseph
What the North Korean regime meant for evil, God used for good.
A Bow and a Kiss
Authentic worship reveals both the friendship and fear of God.
Global Suspense
The trick of faith is to believe in advance what will only make sense in reverse.
Back From the Brothel
Thanks to brave ministries, prostitutes are still entering the kingdom.
Hope for Abraham's Sons
What will it take for us to overcome this violent world?
Forgetting God
Why decadence drives out discipline.
Doubting the Doomsayers
Thank God not everything they say is true.
Cry, the Beloved Continent
Don't let AIDS steal African children's future.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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