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What Is Truth (About Pilate)?
Three books dig for insights into the shadowy ruler and his wife.
Willow Creek's Place in History
It turns out that the church that made seeker-sensitive a part of our vocabulary is not as revolutionary as its critics have said.
European Union Charter Omits Church History
Churches across Europe decry the EU's failure to recognize Europe's religious heritage
Fundamentalism Revisited
Evangelicals would do well to remember fundamentalism as family history.
Rightly Dividing the Hell Debate
Key advocates and writings.
Is Halloween a Witches' Brew?
Or have Christians been spooked out of celebrating a part of their rich tradition?
German Church Confesses to Using Forced Laborers During War
Germany's main Protestant body will contribute $4.7 million to compensation fund.
The First Black Liberation Movement
The untold story of the freed slaves who brought Christ—and liberty—to West Africa. An interview with Lamin Sanneh.
Arrests Put Tragic Church Bombing of 1963 Back in the Headlines
Suspects maintain innocence in murder of four girls in Birmingham, Alabama blast.
Saving Celtic Spirituality
Despite the mythmaking, there's a wealth of Christian truth and devotion worth recovering.
The Challenge of the Lenten Season
Evangelical Protestants are caught between freedom in Christ and sacred observance.
Walking Where Lewis Walked
My reluctant entry into the world of pilgrimage.
Servant Leadership Redux
From obedience to reflex.
Counterintuitive Conviction
What really changes history.
Why We Still Need Moody
The man who invented modern evangelicalism.
Grand Themes of D.L. Moody
The life and teachings of Mr. Protestant are required lessons for today's church.
Leading Into the Unkown
Growing Edge
Rising from a Glorious Past

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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