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McCain to Appear on SNL
On the Road with Atheism
Christopher Hitchens squares off with Douglas Wilson.
Tighter Times for Christian Financial World
Interbank lending crisis is hitting where subprime mortgages missed.
Servant Evangelism
How Luis Palau, thousands of volunteers, and a gay mayor are trying to transform Portland.
I, the Convert
Hindu says what it's like to open one's heart to Jesus Christ.
Video: Debate Déjà Vu
Renewed violence in Congo may prove hard to stop
Criminal trade in coltan, diamonds, and gold fuels conflict and ethnic tensions.
The GOP's God Gap, Take 3
Christianity Today Launches Podcasts
Here are the links.
Brit Hume Leaving Fox
Quotation Marks
Recent remarks on emergent and emerging, female pastors, and other news developments.

Top Story April 27, 2024

Where Worship Doesn’t Translate
Where Worship Doesn’t Translate
How groups like Hillsong learned to let go of the literal in favor of creative collaboration.

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