
Minorities Accuse Council of Off-Road Theology
Critics force the Latin American Council of Churches to withdraw its Theology on the Road mission document
Whose Child Is This?
The early church's opponents claimed Jesus was illegitimate. Its heretical fringe said he wasn't human. The doctrine of the Virgin Birth set them both straight.
No Sympathy for the Devil
How should Christians react to all this talk about exorcism?
Undying Worm, Unquenchable Fire
What is hell—eternal torment or annihilation? A look at the Evangelical Alliance's The Nature of Hell.
Free to Be Creatures Again
How predestination descended like a dove on two unsuspecting seminarians, and why they are so grateful.
Big-Picture Faith
From the first nanosecond to the final cry of victory, and every divine moment between—all is charged with meaning.
Love Your Heavenly Enemy
How are we going to live eternally with those we can't stand now?
Gwen Shamblin in the Balance
Thomas Nelson cancels book contract with Weigh Down author over her controversial comments rejecting the Trinity.
Is Satan Omnipresent?
If not, how does he tempt many people at one time?
The Weigh Is Narrow
As former employees claim they were pressured to join Shamblin's church, the Weigh Down Workshop leader attempts to clarify her stance on the Trinity.
To Hell on a Cream Puff
Gluttony makes you soft and lovable. It's the cute sin.
The Weigh and the Truth
Christian dieting programs—like Gwen Shamblin's Weigh Down Diet—help believers pray off the pounds. But what deeper messages are they sending about faith and fitness?
Saving Celtic Spirituality
Despite the mythmaking, there's a wealth of Christian truth and devotion worth recovering.
What's the Good News?
Nine evangelical leaders define the gospel.
The Forgiveness Factor
Social scientists like Robert Enright are discovering the healing power of a Christian virtue.
Where Would Civilization Be Without Christianity? The Gift of Dignity
Where would civilization be today without Christian notions of compassion and solidarity?
Where Would Civilization Be Without Christianity? The Gift of Science
Science, as we think of it today, came about because Reformers believed that God revealed himself in nature.
Where Would Civilization Be Without Christianity? The Gift of Literacy
In many parts of the world, the birth of literacy coincides with the arrival of Christian missionaries.
Where Would Civilization Be Without Christianity? The Gift of Humility
Christianity has made a difference by surrounding the use of power with humility
Where Would Civilization Be Without Christianity? The Gift of Mission
The act of translating and enculturating the gospel has been Christianity's greatest contribution to human civilization.

Top Story July 26, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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