
To Embrace the Enemy
Is reconciliation possible in the wake of such evil?
After the Grave in the Air
"True reconciliation comes not by ignoring justice nor by putting justice first, but by unconditional embrace."
A Unity Not of Our Making
Why—biblically speaking—we should question the unity-in-diversity refrains coming out of many denominational headquarters
Christianity Finds Strength in Africa Due to Adaptability
Theologian raises question whether Africa needs American ministries as much as American ministries need Africa.
Mind Over Skepticism
Alvin Plantinga: the 20th century's greatest philosopher?
Does God Know Your Next Move?
Christopher A. Hall and John Sanders continue their debate of openness theology.
Which Miracles Are Real?
"How can we tell which miracles, signs and wonders are of God?"
Does God Know Your Next Move?
Does God change his mind? Will God ever change his plans in response to our prayers? If God knows it all, are we truly free? What does God know—and when does he know it? Christopher A. Hall and John Sanders debate openness theology.
Has God Been Held Hostage by Philosophy?
"A forum on free-will theism, a new paradigm for understanding God."
The Grand Farewell
We tend to focus on the way Jesus came into the world. It will pay us not to overlook the way he left.
Myth Matters
Why C.S. Lewis's books remain models for Christian apologists in the 21st century
Readers' Forum: Truth at Risk
Six leading openness theologians say that many assumptions made about their views are simply wrong
Whatever Happened to Christian History?
Evangelical historians have finally earned the respect of the secular academy. But some critics say they've sold out. Not really
God at Risk
A former process theologian says a 30-percent God is not worth worshipping
Can God Reach the Mentally Disabled?
Are mentally challenged adults whose intellectual age is probably that of a 1-year-old sheltered under God's salvation?
Open Debate in the Openness Debate
It's been centuries since Luther nailed his theses to a church door, but the Internet is reintroducing theological debate to the public square.
In the Word: The 'Shyness' of God
Self-centeredness is cured by looking deeply within the life of the Trinity.
Readers' Forum: The Rapture: What Would Jesus Do?
An end-times pilgrim counts the cost of discipleship
What Hollywood Doesn't Know About Romantic Love
Celebrating Valentine's Day in the spirit of the Song of Solomon
Learning the Ancient Rhythms of Prayer
Why charismatics and evangelicals, among others, are flocking to communities famous for set prayers and worshiping by the clock

Top Story July 26, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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