
Mary rejoicing, Rachel weeping
How shall we reconcile the glorious birth of the Savior with the bloody deaths of the boys of Bethlehem?
Thank God for Our Bibles
While Scripture comes in many flavors today, we can still trust these translations to give us God's Word.
Rediscovering the Sabbath, Part 1
The Sabbath is the most challenging—and necessary—spiritual discipline for contemporary Christians.
The Spirit Hasn't Left Mainline (Part 1 of 3)
A forum on why and how we should save denominations.
The Dissatisfaction of Francis Schaeffer
Thirteen years after his death, Schaeffer's vision and frustrations continue to haunt evangelicalism.
The Dissatisfaction of Francis Schaeffer, Part 2
Thirteen years after his death, Schaeffer's vision and frustrations continue to haunt evangelicalism.
Doctors Who Pray
How the medical community is discovering the healing power of prayer.
When God Declares War
The violence of God can only be understood in the shadow of the Cross.
Why the Devil takes VISA
A Christian response to the triumph of consumerism.
ARTICLE: Faith Unto Death, Part 1
A meditation on the lives of contemporary martyrs.
ARTICLE: Faith Unto Death, Part 2
A meditation on the lives of contemporary martyrs.
Why the Psalms Scare Us
In these poems of Scripture, you'll find rage, loneliness, and fear—in other words, you'll find yourself
From the Fringe to the Fold
How the Worldwide Church of God discovered the plain truth of the gospel.
Rediscovering the Holy Spirit
Bible scholar Gordon Fee thinks we have domesticated the Holy Spirit and missed the point of his mission
ARTICLE: Who Do Scholars Say That I Am?
Basic Stott, Part 1
Basic Stott, Part 2

Top Story July 26, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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