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Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
From a wider slate of six candidates, president Clint Pressley takes the “strange honor” of leading the convention’s growing factions toward missional unity.
Why Does Southern Baptist Abuse Reform Keep Hitting Hurdles?
Leaders and advocates are grateful for the convention’s support but frustrated at the inability to enact their plans.
Many Southern Baptist Women Care More About Calling Than What They’re Called
As the SBC debates restrictions around titles and roles, female leaders continue their work in women’s ministry in their local churches.
SBC Membership Falls to 47-Year Low, But Church Involvement Is Up
Amid the continued declines, Southern Baptists are celebrating back-to-back years of growth in worship attendance and baptism.
Chuck Swindoll Steps Down as Senior Pastor, but Won’t Retire
At 89 years old and more than 60 years into ministry, the Stonebriar Community Church founder plans to remain its primary preacher after the church names his successor.
SBC Executive Committee Says No Charges Following Federal Investigation
Without offering details on the nature of the Justice Department inquiry, the denomination’s administrative entity says it’s “grateful” that “no further action” will be taken around its response to abuse.
Alabama Rules that Frozen Embryos Are Children
The first-of-its kind decision affirms life at its earliest stages but complicates the future of IVF.
Black Americans Who Leave Church Don’t Go Far
How their disaffiliation stands to have a bigger impact on their communities and why leaders are hopeful they’ll come back.
Why Evangelicals Aren’t Afraid of Being Outnumbered by Nones
Church leaders believe Christ still offers the answers that the religiously unaffiliated are looking for, even if religious baggage is driving them away.
Mike Bickle Accused of Abusing a 14-Year-Old Before IHOPKC’s Founding
The Kansas City–based prayer ministry extended an apology and called for repentance after another victim came forward.
Father Sues Assemblies of God for Alleged Abuse of Teen
Texas lawsuit claims that the minor was a victim of a serial predator as well as student leaders in the campus ministry Chi Alpha.
Above Reproach? Fewer Americans See Pastors as Ethical
The biblical call to maintain “a good reputation with outsiders” is becoming a bigger challenge in the US as public perception of clergy falls to a record low.
United Methodists Down 7,659 Churches As Exit Window Ends
1 in 4 UMC congregations have now disaffiliated in the largest US denominational schism since the Civil War. Will African Methodists leave next?
Mike Bickle Confesses to Past ‘Moral Failures’ But Not Sexual Abuse
The International House of Prayer founder speaks out for the first time as the ministry launches a third-party inquiry.
At McLean Bible, Mike Kelsey Is Reimagining the Multiethnic Church
After trials and turmoil, the first Black lead pastor at the DC-area megachurch will be commissioned with a nod to his heritage.
Canadian Evangelical Scholar Fired Following University Investigation
A Christian college terminated John G. Stackhouse after an independent report alleged a pattern of inappropriate remarks to students. The professor challenges the findings.
Largest US Christian College Fined $37.7M
Grand Canyon says it hasn’t misrepresented its program costs and is being unfairly targeted by the Department of Education.
Christians Give at Record Levels to Fund Israel Relief
The war has spurred millions in donations to ministries that provide everything from emergency supplies to security gear for future attacks.
International House of Prayer Founder Mike Bickle Accused of Sexual Abuse
Former IHOPKC leaders bring forward what they say are credible allegations from several women over decades of ministry.
Should Christians Share a Conference Stage with Theological Opponents?
Jackie Hill Perry, Sean McDowell, and others explain why they appear alongside speakers with different stances and when they’d refuse to join a lineup.