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Holy Weeklies After The Passion
Time does the atonement, Newsweek looks at pastors' porn, and The New Yorker breaks the bone box.
IRS Raids Home and Business of Creationist
Plus: Terror at a Pittsburgh church, England's gay priest gets a top position, and other stories from online sources around the world
The Religious Side of the Abu Ghraib Scandal
As prisoners forced to renounce faith, guards repudiated theirs voluntarily.
Bush Campaign Seeks 'Friendly Congregations'
Plus: Canadian Anglicans put off vote on gay marriages, George Beverly Shea leaves hospital after heart attack, Eisenhower's 'crusade' omitted, and other stories from online sources around the world.
What John Edwards Believes
John Kerry's Methodist running mate oversees his church's urban ministries, but can he win evangelicals' votes?
Kerry Only Talks Religion Around Blacks, Says Washington Post
Plus: What will really get you in trouble with Anglican leaders, Will Willimon becomes a Methodist bishop as Joseph Sprague announces he'll retire, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Worshiping an 'Awesome God' at the Democratic National Convention
Plus: Amish in the City premieres tonight, challenging Sri Lanka's anti-conversion bill, Christians accused of bad motives in Sudan activism, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Silencing Democrats' Religious Speakers
Plus: Washington Post vs. freedom, censoring Romans 1, and many, many other stories from online sources around the world.
Bring Me the Stead of John the Baptist?
Plus: Florida vouchers nixed, assisted suicide wins again in Oregon, Methodism and the presidential campaign, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Democrat Says He Was Fired From Catholic Charities Over Abortion
Plus: Another blow to the partial-birth abortion ban, church attacks in India and Cyprus, and other stories from online sources around the world.
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