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Why All Christians Can Back Better Gun Control
My allegiance to Christ trumps my allegiance to this country and its founding documents.
'The Office' Shows Even TV Romance Isn't Picture-Perfect
How Jim and Pam's struggling marriage saved the show's final season.
Married . . . to My Church?
One commitment can teach us a lot about the other
Why Pastors Should Preach About Body Image
Our obsession with appearance has theological ramifications for both women and men.
Harnessing Our Humanity
Using your weaknesses to be a better leader.
Pope Francis and Our Call to Evangelize the Cynics
Embracing the incremental work of our witness.
How to Start a Church in 50,000 Indonesian Villages
Seminary president Chris Marantika has the strategy, and he’s making steady progress.
The No-Makeup Spiritual Discipline
Why going out in public without mascara and blush is an act of Christian discipleship (for me, anyway).
Hey Brand-New Mom, Ready for Your Close Up?
Reclaiming the natural beauty of delivery room pics.
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