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Burnout Is a Danger, Whatever Your Church Size
I exhausted myself trying to expand our little church, then again when I couldn’t keep up with the growth.
Why I've Stopped Reading All Those '10 Reasons Your Church Isn’t Growing' Lists
Please stop beating us down for what you think we’re not doing. Guilt doesn’t motivate, it discourages.
If Your Church Is Healthy, Why Is It Still Small?
It's a valid question. I wish I had a tidy answer. But here's what I do know.
5 Mistakes More Likely To Be Made By Big Churches Than Small Churches
Consider this a friendly view from the outside looking in.
Getting Unstuck: Innovative Small Churches Find Alternatives, Not Excuses
Problems don’t become excuses when we say “we can’t do it that way.” They become excuses when we say “we can’t do it any other way, either.”
Do We Need A Broader Definition Of Church Growth?
Any definition of church growth that doesn’t allow for, even celebrate, churches that contribute in non-numerical ways is incomplete.
What If We Made Disciples And Left Church Growth To God?
If we prioritized health, not as a means to growth, but as an end in itself, would we be in a greater position to represent Jesus to the world?
The Top 3 Reasons Church Growth Ideas Usually Fail In Smaller Churches
We're often told that small churches are failing at church growth. But sometimes church growth ideas are failing in smaller churches.
Jesus And Crowds – An Unhappy Marriage
Jesus didn’t turn the crowds away when they found him. But he sometimes made himself hard to find.
VBS Is More Than a One-Off Event; It's an Investment
4 ways to use this one-week program to ignite year-long discipleship.
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