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Praise Band
The Power of an Average Mentor
You don't have to be flashy to make a profound difference in someone's life.
The Gift of Mentoring
A relationship that gives generously, in both directions.
When Work Looks Different Across Generations
Three ways that ministry is changing.
The Questions of the Next Generation
The way the Millennial generation approaches the world will inevitably bring some change upon the rest of us.
Amy Sherman: Why Millennials Leave
It might have more to do with our conversations on work than you think.
Amy Sherman: One Woman's Story
The work millenials are called to is more than just a phase.
Amy Sherman: Three Reasons Why Faith and Work Conversations Matter
Discipleship, generational faith, and the importance of work as integral in our lives.
Make Room for Me
New research reveals what Millennials like—and don’t like—about churches, and what we can do to reach them.
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