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Leading as an Introvert
Both introverts and extroverts can learn how personality type affects church leadership.
Leadership Environment
Make leadership development a natural part of your culture.
Leadership Foundations
Build leadership structures that will provide a solid foundation.
Leadership Styles
Understand your leadership style, and the strengths and weaknesses it brings to the team.
Lead With Your Strengths
Motivating Leaders
Get the most out of those around you.
How Churches Benefit from Co-Pastors
One couple’s story of leaning into their unique gifts and callings as they lead together
I Like Change!
But as a church planter, was that attitude what needed to change?
Faces of the Pastorate
These five pastors' stories point toward a bigger story.
Should I Take Opportunities to Expand My Influence?
From outside speaking, to blogging, to any chance to build a bigger platform: how do you decide if it's wise?
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