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Preaching in the Wake of Gun Violence
Discover how to deliver impactful sermons during these challenging times.
Time to Clean House?
5 steps to unclutter your ministry
Will There Be a Church That Matters?
Preaching Past an Ornamental Peace
5 groups of people who hunger for peace this Christmas season.
Cowpokes and Farmers
One innovates, one cultivates. Is there room on the range for both in church?
Where Are the Women?
How a guest's observation inspired me to develop more women leaders.
Preaching on Suffering in a 'Pain-Free' Culture
We need to understand suffering before we can preach on it.
The Numbers Game
Measure the right things and know why you're doing it.
My Bitter Quesadilla
When a close friend left my church, I faced the inevitability of relational failure.
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