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Skye Jethani: Tortured Conscience
A new survey shows most churchgoers support torture. What should pastors say?
Al Mohler Defends Obama...Sort of
The President's address to students has stirred controversy. How should church leaders respond?
A Christian Sexual Alternative?
Both conservatives and liberals have had their views of sexuality shaped by the culture.
Give to Uncle Sam What is Uncle Sam's
Shane Claiborne calls for "revolutionary subordination" on tax day.
Ur Video: President Obama on the Resurrection
Christian leaders gather for the White House Easter Prayer Breakfast.
Catalyst 2011 Justice and Mercy Part 2
In our celebration of justice and mercy, did somebody get left off the guest list?
Shane Claiborne: Death Interrupted
What does the Gospel say to us amid the death penalty debate?
Jesus, Bombs, & Ice Cream
Can we imagine a world with fewer bombs and more ice cream?
Ur Video: Miroslav Volf on Public Faith
How can Christians engage the public square to encourage flourishing?
Do Religions Produce "More than Their Fair Share" of Child Abusers?
One Patheos' writer's logic is flawed. But church leaders should still be ashamed.
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