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Did Youth Ministry Create the Emerging Church? (Pt. 2)
Why youth ministry is the cause of, and solution to, all of the church's problems.
Hello, Rob Bell
A conversation about work, mission, and why some Christians throw "crap" parties.
Christianism Leads to Atheism
Want to reach the next generation? You can't ignore the role of politics.
Ur Video: Skye Jethani on the Mass Exit From Church
Retaining young adults begins with getting the gospel right.
Seriously Silly
Media, mission, and why the church needs to grasp the power of humor.
The Millennial Man
Rick Dunn on Empowering Millennials
Evolving dialogue?
Ken Ham/Bill Nye Origins Debate: a "...Very Bad Idea."
Is there any pastoral relevance for "debates" after the culture wars?
The Myth of the Average Millennial
Don't rely on statistics and stereotypes to reach my generation.
Open Skye
Friday Five Interview: Skye Jethani
Moving beyond a Christianity fueled by fear.
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