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Strengthening the Marriage of Missionary Couples
Maintaining a strong marriage on the mission field can be difficult.
Urgent Care: Death of a Spouse
Use these articles to develop empathy in your caregivers, a plan for reaching grieving widows and widowers, and to guide the reframing of life that occurs after profound loss.
Urgent Care: Divorce
Equip your leaders to minister to those for whom divorce is inevitable or has already occurred.
Urgent Care: Domestic Violence
Equip your church to minister to those who suffer from domestic violence.
Urgent Care: Marriage in Crisis
Succinct and practical resources to help a leader minister through marital crisis.
3 Things to Say to Victims of Domestic Abuse
These powerful statements from church leaders can help women in abusive relationships find hope and healing.
Responding to Same-Sex Marriage
Prepare yourself, your leaders, and your congregation to respond to engage this issue with love, clarity, and conviction.
My Husband Isn’t Called to Ministry
My dreams of ministering together were dashed, but I got something better in return.
Clayton King: Putting Family First
How do you prioritize the needs of your family?
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