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Tom Nelson and David Greusel: Q & A - Being Conversant vs. Being Fluent
Being a good question-asker is key to understanding people's hearts.
The Spiritual Lives of Entrepreneurs: Introduction
Praxis CEO David Blanchard discusses equipping young entrepreneurs.
Work as Formation
The founder of a toy company explores how his work impacts his spiritual life.
Do Well and Do Good
How does Christian faith play out in Silicon Valley?
Big Things Could Happen
How can churches better engage entrepreneurs?
Rest and Sabbath
In a workaholic culture, why should the church talk about work?
David Kinnaman: The Prophetically-minded Church
Learning to think with a future focus in the church.
Helen Mitchell: Excellence as Evangelism
Our first form of evangelism is work.
10 Principles that Have Helped Me Overcome Writer's Block
Writing was always hard for me. Until it wasn't. None of these ideas originated with me. But they work for me. And they might work for you.
You Are Not My Enemy
How a mantra I learned at a marriage retreat guides my leadership.
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