
My Top 5 Fiction Books for the Soul
Novel Teachers
Learning real-life lessons from imaginary ministers.
'The Blue Parakeet' Faces Inconvenient Verses
Facing difficult passages may help us better understand the Bible as a whole.
Is the Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization 'Too Christian'?
Publisher withdraws Christian reference work as editor alleges censorship.
Deconstructing the Quiver
A review of Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement.
Bibliophiles We
Did we mention that we love books?
Meager Harvest
The Green Bible promises to grow our understanding of creation care. Unfortunately, its results don't satisfy.
Books Uncommon and Offbeat
I Heard God Talking to Me, The Final Martyrs, and Paranoia.
He Likes Jesus. He Just Doesn't 'Like' Like Him.
Benyamin Cohen spends his Jesus Year seeking a deeper faith — in Judaism.
Seminaries: Not Just for Pastors Anymore
Derek Cooper offers an insider's guide — and reflections on what schools need to do better.
The Men Behind the Myths
Short profiles of Olaf Stapledon, Erich von Däniken, Ray Kurzweil, Freeman Dyson, and Lee M. Silver.
Sci-Fi's Brave New World
How the genre draws us to its own views of redemption.
Managing Your Money
My top 5 books on personal finance.
Learning from Secular Nations
In 'godless' Scandinavia, people are content. Is that enough?
Dostoyevsky, American Evangelical-Style
Rob Stennett's The Almost True Story of Ryan Fisher doesn't need to ask, 'Could this happen?'
John Updike, 'Theological Novelist,' Dies at 76
The Pulitzer winner surveyed the spiritual emptiness of post-World War II family life.
Smuggling Debate
Ministries disagree on how best to provide Bibles to Chinese Christians.
2009 Christianity Today Book Awards
Judges whittled 436 submissions down to 10 winners.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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