Church Life+Ministry

Dear Disillusioned Generation
The 'failed experiment' called the church still looks better than the alternatives.
A Jesus for Real Men
What the new masculinity movement gets right and wrong.
Forty Days for Rwanda
Rick Warren, Kagame open Purpose Driven campaign.
News Briefs: May 01, 2008
No public funds for Baptist pharmacy school, a Christian UK couple barred from being foster parents, and the SBC goes greener.
Yes, Nominal Evangelicals Exist
But they are an opportunity, not a scandal.
Egypt's Identity Impasse
Former Muslims seek to change their government-issued cards as outreach gains ground.
Bringing the Bookstore to Church
More and more churches get into the book business.
Colson the Catechist
A culture warrior sets out to explain Christianity's essential doctrines.
The Politics of Proselytization
A pluralistic religious landscape means proclaiming the Good News to persons of other faiths requires considerable finesse.
Big Win for Va.'s Breakaway Anglican Parishes in Property Fight
Judge rules that 1867 law on church divisions applies in battle with Episcopal Church, diocese.
Thug Bishop
An ally of Zimbabwe's corrupt president fails in bid to launch a replacement Anglican province.
Study: Conservative Theology Means Smaller Bank Accounts
Duke sociologist says conservative Protestants save less and accumulate fewer assets.
Christian Evangelism and Judaism
An exchange of views between a rabbi and a columnist.
Election 08's 'False Clerics and Schismatic Spirits'
The ubiquity of religion in this campaign season is distinctly un-Lutheran.
Spiritual Disaster Preparedness
Will evangelicals show the will to pursue the prevention of a pending threat?
Not Your Father's L'Abri
The Swiss retreat now tends less to philosophical skeptics than to disaffected evangelicals.
The Grace Escape
Working as a barista has tested me in ways that speeches, campaigns, and protests never did.
IRS Rules to Remember
ECFA and IRS recommendations for churches that run businesses.
California Dreams
How one West Coast ministry reaps kingdom profits by planting businesses.
The Evangelical Founding Fathers
Remember the concerns of those to whom Jefferson wrote on the separation of church and state.

Top Story May 17, 2024

The Sustaining Breath of God
The Sustaining Breath of God
As a physician, I witness countless first and last breaths. As a Christian, I am constantly reminded of how God breathes life into us through his Spirit.

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