Church Life+Ministry

The Abolitionists’ Scandal
William Wilberforce and the Clapham Sect founded Sierra Leone, then tolerated a form of slavery there, a new book reveals.
A Covenant with the Earth
Why the work of Christ makes all the difference in our care of creation.
My Top 5 Books on Family Ministry
By Reggie Joiner, author of 'Think Orange'
Hospitality Sweet
One of the forgotten keys to the dynamic worship of God.
John Piper v. Rick Warren Postponed
Despite controversial invitation, Rick Warren missed the Desiring God conference due to family health incidents.
Francis Chan's Next Steps
The 'Crazy Love' author stepped down from his church and doesn't know where he's headed.
Honest Appraisal
Learning from reformers, past and present.
The Reformer
How Al Mohler transformed a seminary, helped change a denomination, and challenges a secular culture.
The Most Diverse Gathering Ever
Lausanne III is pulling a cross-section of 4,000 world leaders to keep the gospel front and center.
Stop Browbeating
The stats on evangelicalism are much better than you've been led to believe.
Dwelling in Heaven's Suburbs
Creating a culture of resurrection is key to full-orbed ministry.
Tragic Humanism
Terry Eagleton argues that evil is not as mysterious or as explainable as we think.
In Jesus' Name
Must Christians pray in public forums using Jesus' name?
The Maverick
Steve Saint's flying car will take the gospel beyond 'The Gates of Splendor.'
Islam, Immigration, and Catholics
19th-century Protestants resisted Catholic immigration. Is today's opposition to Muslim immigration just following the same script?
A Ministry Grows in Brooklyn
Messianic leaders explore new strategies for reaching the Jewish community in the U.S. and Israel.
Some Chaplains Plead, Don't Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell
Military policy on gays and lesbians survives one more round.
The Apostle of the Golden Age
Classics scholar Sarah Ruden says extraordinary things happen when you read Paul alongside other ancient literature.
An Equal-Opportunity Destroyer
How porn damages women—and what churches can do about it.
Participant First
L. L. Barkat creates in the context of online community.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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