Church Life+Ministry

Cuba for Christ—Ahora!
The Communist island's improbable revival is 15 years old and growing stronger.
Does Global Christianity Equal American Christianity?
Historian Mark Noll talks about how U.S. missionaries have—and have not—shaped the faith in other nations.
A Whole Good World Outside
Opening our blinds to the prevailing wonder of creation.
The Scandal of the Public Evangelical
What we really have to offer the world.
When the War Never Ends
Many vets are ambushed by post-traumatic stress disorder. But some churches are coming to their defense.
Revolution Redux
Southern Baptists debate relationship between evangelism and identity.
Not an Academic Question
Pastors tell how the justification debate has changed their ministry.
The Justification Debate: A Primer
Two of the world's most prominent pastor-theologians on justification—and what difference it makes.
What to Do about Unbiblical Unions
African churches seek a better response to polygamy than in years past as western churches address new same-sex marriages.
Less Edgy Conferences
Youth Specialties refocuses training events after pushback.
Reconcilable Differences
Fifteen years after genocide, Rwanda is showing signs of healing.
A City of Angels for the Homeless
How one church in the nation's homeless capital is responding.
Family Ties
Facing lawsuits and an FBI probe, Angel Food's story bears warnings about family-run mega-ministries.
Martyrs Killed by Conspiracy
Investigation links Malatya murders to cabal of generals, politicians.
'We Are Not Commanded To Be a Docent in the Art Museum. We Are Commanded To Love the Poor.'
World Vision president Richard Stearns says the greatest sin of our generation is apathy.
When to Be Naïve
It's not a virtue just for children.
The Changing Face of Apologetics
Lee Strobel doesn't think the traditional methods work anymore.
Too Unorthodox Even for the Episcopal Church?
Church leaders appear to have vetoed a bishop-elect for the first time since the 1930s. But few opponents are celebrating.
The Soul of the Border Crisis
Local churches are key in fixing the immigration mess.
How Tim Keller Found Manhattan
The pastor of Redeemer Church is becoming an international figure because he's a local one.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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