Church Life+Ministry

Does Twitter Do Us Any Good?
How the movement of the Trinity can help us decide.
Global is the New Local
Princeton's Robert Wuthnow says American congregations are more international than ever.
Christ Alone
Why indulgences are still a bad idea.
Lost Pentecost
How to capture a richer meaning of our Sunday for the Holy Spirit.
Keeping Holy Ground Holy
A new survey suggests that seekers are not looking for user-friendly, mall-like buildings.
Theology in Wood and Concrete
Six Protestant churches that strive to match form with faith.
Speak the Gospel
Use deeds when necessary.
Stopping Discrimination
Proposed EU law may force out faith-based social services.
Popping the Fraud Bubble
More churches seek protection as scams continue to unfold.
A Victory in Vietnam
Officials permit massive outdoor Easter gathering for house churches.
Christian Children's Fund Drops 'Christian' from Name
The organization hopes the new name will broaden its reach.
Customs Confusion
New visa rules trip up traveling religious workers.
The New (Evangelical) Mainline
American evangelicalism is displacing the old mainline. How do we keep from suffering the same fate?
When the Stranger Knocks
The influx of immigrants to the U.S. means a new mission field for churches, says World Relief's Jenny Hwang.
How to Handle the Next Pandemic
Christians at their best have an odd answer.
From the Printing Press to the iPhone
Shane Hipps urges Christians to discern the technology spirits.
Out of Step and Fine with It
Why Tullian Tchividjian, the grandson of the Most Admired Man in America, thinks Christians need to become unfashionable.
Learning from Widows
Despite being laid off, one woman is committed to supporting three children.
A Simple, Old-Fashioned Fundraiser
How does an Anabaptist charity get donors to give $1,200 a year?

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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