World news is hard to watch. It’s full of horror and tragedy, much of which is happening thousands and thousands of miles away. While these stories are difficult to consume, they can be easy to ignore as we imagine ourselves untouched by their devastation. But on this episode of The Russell Moore Show, human rights attorney Nury Turkel encourages Christians to understand the ways that they are, in fact, affected by issues like foreign policy and human rights violations across the ocean.

Turkel, whose new memoir is titled No Escape: The True Story of China’s Genocide of the Uyghurs, serves on the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. Born in a Chinese reeducation camp in the fall of 1970, Turkel is an expert on the plight of the Uyghur people who continue to face tremendous oppression from the Chinese Communist Party, as well as the influence of China on the United States.

On this episode, Turkel explains the factors at play in the modern-day genocide of the Uyghur people. He and Moore discuss the ways that America interacts with China, Chinese governmental resistance to Western ideology and religion, and the exploitation of the Uyghur people for products Americans consume. They discuss technology, artificial intelligence, and TikTok developments with serious ethical and mental health implications. And they share urgent, concrete opportunities to stand up against human rights abuses.

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“The Russell Moore Show” is a production of Christianity Today
Executive Producers: Erik Petrik, Russell Moore, and Mike Cosper
Host: Russell Moore
Producer: Ashley Hales
Associate Producers: Abby Perry and McKenzie Hill
Director of Operations for CT Media: Matt Stevens
Audio engineering by Dan Phelps
Video producer: Abby Egan
Theme Song: “Dusty Delta Day” by Lennon Hutton