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The ABCs of Journalism
How the ABC network botched a basic news piece on Wheaton College.
The Bible, Illuminated by Fashion Photography
The project leader of a magazine-format Bible hopes images will provoke people to read Scripture.
Obama Breaks Ties with Former Pastor
Jeremiah Wright's controversial remarks provoked Obama's denunciation.
Double Divorce
Kent Gramm’s divorce prompted his separation from Wheaton College.
Florida's Evolving Bill
Senate and House legislators are running out of time to pinpoint parameters of Evolution Academic Freedom Act.
Happy Birthday, John Stott
The senior evangelical statesman turns 87.
Florida Considers Christian-themed License Plate
Precedent could allow for Church of Satan design, too
From Mao to Moses
Artist He Qi, born again in China's Cultural Revolution, is painting a new peaceful identity for the Chinese church.
The Dragon in the Belly: Patriarchs, Judges, and Kings
The Old Testament meets Beijing Opera in He Qi's art.
The Problem with Juicy Memoirs
Recent tell-all biographies of parents are only symptoms of deeper concern.
Israel at 60: Celebrate and Seek Justice
Top Evangelicals sign joint declaration that recognizes joyful celebration in Israel's creation and notes Palestinian "cries of pain and distress."
Methodist Restructuring May Empower Non-U.S. Churches — Or Silence Them
With 3 of 10 delegates from abroad, general conference will consider creating an Americans-only body.
Messianic Jews Win Citizenship Victory in Israel
Supreme Court rules Messianic believers must be granted citizenship rights in many cases.
Food Crisis: No Free Lunch
Rising prices for essentials precede riots in some parts of the developing world. Are biofuels partly to blame?
All Systems Go
Why we shouldn't devalue systematic theology.
After plane crash, missionary teen helps save lives
Daughter of Adventist missionary and her family survives crash in Goma, DR Congo.
Forty Days for Rwanda
Rick Warren, Kagame open Purpose Driven campaign.
At the Edges of the Death Penalty
The Supreme Court rules lethal injection is constitutional; now, they're deciding if capital punishment is limited to cases of murder.
Pope Benedict Goes to Washington
Pope's U.S. visit is expected to strengthen evangelical-Catholic relationship.
News Briefs: May 01, 2008
No public funds for Baptist pharmacy school, a Christian UK couple barred from being foster parents, and the SBC goes greener.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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