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Believing in Doubt
Tim Keller says both believers and unbelievers need to confront questions about Christianity.
Larry Norman, 'Father of Christian Rock,' Dies at 60
Musician left a large footprint before he became estranged from the Christian music industry.
The Problem with Counting Christians
Pew's new Religious Landscape Survey is helpful, but the maps are fuzzier than you might expect.
“Father of Christian rock” dies
Larry Norman left a large footprint before he eventually became estranged from the Christian music industry.
Tony Blair's conversion, the new president of John Stott Ministries, and more.
The Once and Future Vampire Novelist
Anne Rice Redefines "Never." Update: Anne Rice's response
Huckabee campaigns on SNL
Tongue in cheek, the presidential candidate hangs around "Weekend Update" a little too long
Cognitive Dissonance Among the Clergy
What happens when clergy begin to doubt
Sri Lankan pastor gunned down
Last Sunday, pastor was killed and wife serious injured in shooting. Police have take four suspects into custody.
Quotation Marks
Comments on teaching evolution, comparing Episcopal dissidents to child abusers, and more.
Redeeming the Memory of the Holocaust
French president's plan shows promise but carries a potential problem.
The OTB - Where Everybody Knows Your Name
New York's betting parlors cross social barriers--but then, so does the church.
No More 'Separation of Church and Superbowl'
NFL reverses decision on church Super Bowl parties.
Which religion will usher in an era of peace?
A scholar looks to secularization for the future of faith
Billy Graham home from hospital
No need for alarm -- it was an elective procedure.
The New Center and A Great Awakening
Are David Gushee and Jim Wallis on to something happening within American evangelicalism?
Capital Doubts
Supreme Court mulls lethal injections as Christian support for the death penalty drops.
Fleeing from Chad, Waiting for Peace
Refugees in Cameroon fill their days with conversation and worship.
Why Professors Are Liberal
But is this true in Christian higher ed?
A Painful Subject
Two agnostic authors face suffering--and come out at different spots on the faith spectrum.

Top Story June 10, 2024

The Generous Genius of Jürgen Moltmann
The Generous Genius of Jürgen Moltmann
Memories and reflections of the famed theologian from his last overseas doctoral student and friend of 33 years.

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