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Botox: A Threat to Our National Security
How our cultural fear of aging and dying is giving some terrorists a financial boost.
Segregated in a Whole New Way
A church family from the same generation isn't much of a family.
Women at Halftime: Where to Go Next?
For many women, turning 50 means the best is yet to come.
An Ocean of Sorrow
Biological maturity signaling cultural adulthood has been the norm for most ages of human history.
The Case for Early Marriage
Amid our purity pledges and attempts to make chastity hip, we forgot to teach young Christians how to tie the knot.
'Honor Thy Father' for Grownups
Or, how not to be a deadbeat son or daughter.
Plenty of Young People
Q&A: Billy Graham at 90
An e-mail interview on getting older, the presidential campaign, missing Ruth, and other topics.
Pastor Visitation
All I Want for Christmas Is a Bigger Bust
How the incarnation helps Christians think about plastic surgery.
Ministry To Senior Adults
How to reach out to this growing demographic
A Boom for Missions
Early boomer retirees are giving back in big numbers.
Go Gently into That Good Night
Fear of mortality lies at the root of our bioethics confusion.
War on the Weak
Eugenics has made a lethal comeback.
The Joy of Aging
What faith looks like when it's dangerous to sing and walk at the same time.
Vida Nueva
A dying urban church found new life to be costly.
Facing the Elder-Care Crisis
Escalating health-care costs bid the church to get creative.
The Visit
An almost clichéd form of Christian service to the elderly remains one of the most vital.
Gray Power
Christian-friendly senior organizations challenge AARP.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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