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The Gay Bishop's Global Fallout
How each of the 39 provinces in the Anglican Communion have responded to Sunday's consecration
Conservative Episcopalians Challenge Church Politics as Usual
"A Place to Stand conference combines unofficial convention, pep rally, and communiqué to Anglican leaders"
Reimagining Anglican Bonds of Affection
Orthodox American leaders begin describing what realignment of the Anglican Communion might look like
Florida Bishop Defies Episcopal Church Head
The consecration of a new bishop becomes the latest battleground between Frank Griswold and the American Anglican Council
Anglicanism's Communion of Saints
"Under the somber portraits of their predecessors, Anglican archbishops will discuss the fractious issues of the church and homosexuality"
Where Else to Go for News and Analysis of the Anglican Primates' Meeting
The best (and worst) articles and sites monitoring the breakup of the world's third-largest Christian body
"Anglican Leaders Criticize Episcopal Church, Canada's New Westminster Diocese on Homosexual Actions"
"Future of the Anglican unity in jeopardy, they say, but don't break communion—yet"
Pre-Weblog: Early Responses to the Anglican Primates' Statement
Both sides seem happy as the Episcopal Church USA promises to go ahead with its gay bishop ordination
One-and-One-Half Cheers for the Anglican Primates' Statement
An interview with theologian—and longtime Anglican—J.I. Packer
Dispatch: Conservatives Just Got Clobbered
Last week's American Anglican Council meeting in Texas announced victory prematurely
Translating the Anglican Primates
"Interpretations vary widely on what last week's statement means, how forceful it was, and what's next"
Orthodox Canadian Anglicans on Alert
"Alabama tax reform will likely fail today, what pastors are reading, and other stories from online sources around the world"
"Christian History Corner: Our Brothers and Sisters, the Episcopalians"
The Episcopal Church needs our help. Here's why we should give it
Dispatch: Deputies Slice into the Gordian Knot
The Episcopal Church's House of Deputies approves Gene Robinson as New Hampshire Bishop. The House of Bishops will vote today.
Dispatch: What in the World Is God Doing?
"For Episcopalians, the night may be darkest before the dawn."
Dispatch: The Bitter Harvest of Sexual Ideology
No one wanted the Gene Robinson bishopric debate to take this sad turn
Dispatch: Darkness in the Afternoon
"Openly homosexual Episcopal priest cleared of misconduct, confirmed as bishop"
Dispatch: Bishops Sanction Local Same-Sex Blessings
"Having confirmed gay bishop, Episcopal leaders turn to discussing same-sex unions"
Weblog Bonus: 'Difficult Days Ahead' For Anglican Communion
"As some Episcopalian conservatives walk out, leaders abroad condemn the church's first openly homosexual bishop"
Dispatch: To My Episcopal Family
Final thoughts from the Episcopal Church's General Convention

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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