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Rob Bell to Move to L.A. and Launch a Tour
The pastor who ignited a debate over heaven and hell has announced his departure from the church he founded.
A Dream of a Center: 'A Model for Faith-based Organizations'
An interview with the head of one of the most effective Pentecostal social missions in America.
9th Circuit: University Can Force Christian Groups Open to Non-Christians
But court says policy may have been enforced unconstitutionally.
Harold Camping's Rapture Campaign: Can He Be Sued for Fraud?
As an atheist group asks the California attorney general for action, legal scholars say efforts are almost certainly doomed.
Standing on Shaky Ground: Pastor Tax Break Threat Lessens
Ruling means threat to pastor tax break may have lost its legs.
The Ultimate Wave
Bryan Jennings takes the Good News to surfers.
Under the Influence
California's intoxicating spiritual and cultural impact on America.
What Is the Gospel Response to the Prop. 8 Decision?
Responses from Matthew Lee Anderson, Alan Chambers, Timothy George, Andreas Köstenberger, Dale Kuehne, Andrew Marin, Gerald McDermott, Scot McKnight, Jennifer Roback Morse, Jenell Williams Paris, Glenn Stanton, Sarah Sumner, and Mark Yarhouse.
Why the Proposition 8 Decision Matters
That Judge Walker's ruling is not a surprise does not make it any less of a landmark.
Is the Christian Legal Society's Loss a Loss for Everyone?
What the Supreme Court's verdict means for campus ministries.
Christian Legal Society Loses in Supreme Court Case
Group must allow leaders who disagree with its statement of faith.
Supreme Court on Major Discrimination Case: 'Huh?'
Before the justices can render an opinion in the Christian Legal Society dispute, they'll have to figure out what the facts are.
The End of Religious Freedom?
The nightmare scenarios could very well unfold, but they are not the last word.
Q+A: Carrie Prejean
The former Miss California contestant says that she is 'still standing,' and called a recent video of her 'the worst mistake of my life.'
The Accidental Anglican
On his journey from Calvary Chapel through the Vineyard, the emerging church, the Alpha Course, and now the Anglican Mission in America, Todd Hunter has remained tightly focused on evangelism.
A City of Angels for the Homeless
How one church in the nation's homeless capital is responding.
Connecting to Hope
How local churches can handle — and prevent — depression.
California's Temper Tantrum
How the gay rights movement lost more than Proposition 8.
Better Than a Bailout
Foreclosure disaster drives California churches to launch home rescue efforts.
All Eyes on California
The presidential contest there is predictable, but the state's marriage proposition is closely contested.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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