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Christianity Comes to the Americas
Early Spanish Expansion and Missions
The Political Luther
The reformer revolutionized more than people's views on the church.
Radical Resistance
Bonhoeffer took an early and active stand against the Nazis.
The Political Force
Spurgeon often got in the middle of hot national issues.
313 The Edict of Milan
The agreement shifted Christianity from being an illicit, persecuted sect to being a welcome—and soon dominant—religion of the Roman Empire.
Important Events in Church History
A selective chronological listing
1525 The Anabaptist Movement Begins
Hated by Protestants and Catholics alike, these "radical reformers" wanted to not merely reform the church but restore it.
1534 The Act of Supremacy
Breaking from Rome, the English Parliament declared King Henry VIII "the only supreme head on earth of the Church of England."
1962 The Second Vatican Council
In an epochal council, the Catholic Church undertook its most searching self-examination ever and renewed itself for a modern world.
75 Other Important Events in Church History
A brief listing of significant dates that also earn a place in the "Christian History 100"
From Snow-Covered Peaks to Tropical Forests
Waldensians in Uruguay and Argentina
Russian Christianity and the Revolution: What Happened?
Russia and the surrounding Slavic countries were at one time considered among the "most Christian" of nations. So where was the church during the revolution that made the USSR atheistic?
The Soviet Union Celebrates 1000 Years of Christianity
Why, all of a sudden, would an officially atheistic confederation of republics like the USSR choose to celebrate, in full pomp and grandeur, a thousand years of Christianity on its soil?
Of Mass Baptisms, National Churches, and the Great Commission
Can a king-ordered mass baptism of his nation's citizens really bring about their genuine conversion to Christ? What are we to make of Christ's command to "make disciples of all nations"?
The Soviet Union's Religious Situation Today
The Soviet government reports that religion is definitely on the decline in the USSR. And given the persistent harassment of the state, one might expect that—but trustworthy sources say it isn't so.

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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