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Obama's Contract Killer
Why Christian organizations were concerned about Obama’s executive order—even though so few were directly affected.
New Executive Orders on LGBT Discrimination Don't Exempt Religious Orgs
(UPDATED) But Obama won't withdraw memo on religious discrimination.
Muslim Sues Kenya's Catholic Bishops for Discrimination
Bishops sued as they lobby for peace amidst coastal violence.
Religious Freedom vs. LGBT Rights? It's More Complicated
The legal context for what's happening at Gordon College, and how Christians can respond despite intense cultural backlash.
Your Faith Might Cost You Your Next Job
How one experiment with 9,600 résumés showed that religious discrimination is alive and well.
Should Christians Support Reparations for African Americans?
Some thought on collective sin, responsibility, and healing.
Into the Academic Lion's Den
Do Christian scholars belong in the hostile world of higher ed?
Kentucky Baptists Vote on Foster Agency's Idea To Avoid Closure: Hire Gays
Trustees reject solution of Sunrise Children's Services president: 'I would rather homosexuals see the love of God through us than be denied employment by us.'
My Family, In Black and White
Yes, we are different races. You can stop staring now.
San Antonio Bans LGBT Bias 'by Word or Deed'
(UPDATED) America's seventh-largest city follows 180 others in expanding non-discrimination laws. But focus on spoken statements is a first...
What Trayvon Martin and Ethan Saylor Have in Common
Trayvon Martin and Ethan Saylor are both young men who died a tragic death. Why don't we know more about what happened with Saylor?
Gleanings: May 2013
Important developments in the church and the world.
She's a Person, Not a Uterus
Fighting women's global health disparities with dignity.
InterVarsity Wins Key Nondiscrimination Battle at Tufts
School amends "all comers" policy to exempt religious student group leaders.
The Story Behind One of the Most Ironic Religious Freedom Lawsuits Ever Filed
The religious discrimination complaint against the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom moves closer to trial.
Children with Down Syndrome: Will Culture Make Them Disappear?
Why we should see them as an endowment from God and not a mistaken diagnosis.
A Private Matter: Vanderbilt Vets Student Ministries
Campus ministries need different defenses.
City Fines Couple for Hosting Bible Studies Without a Permit
Officials say the meetings violate residential use policies.
Court Rejects Prostitution Restrictions on AIDS Funding
Evangelical NGOS say the ruling is unlikely to change their operations, but the case touches on larger principles.
Americans Like Evangelicals After All
What they really think about evangelicals, and why we worry about it.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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