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Breaking: McCain rejects Hagee's Endorsement
Hagee withdrew his endorsement that has created long-running problems for McCain's campaign.
From Blessing to Burden
Candidates are scrutinized ever more closely for their spiritual associations.
Obama Breaks Ties with Former Pastor
Jeremiah Wright's controversial remarks provoked Obama's denunciation.
Compassion Forum Clings to Religion
Obama and Clinton face more questions on beliefs, personal piety at Messiah College event.
Obama: 'They cling to guns or religion'
Barack Obama is backtracking on remarks he made about working-class voters.
What Dobson Didn't Say
Focus on the Family founder says "I certainly will vote."
Election 08's 'False Clerics and Schismatic Spirits'
The ubiquity of religion in this campaign season is distinctly un-Lutheran.
Barack Obama, Race, and Game Theory
Philadephia speech is rhetorical high water mark of presidential primary season.
Huckabee Drops Out
The Republican presidential candidate pulled out from the race tonight.
Obama Cites Sermon on the Mount for his Support of Civil Unions
"If people find that controversial then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount, which I think is, in my mind, for my faith, more central than an obscure passage in Romans."
Huckabee campaigns on SNL
Tongue in cheek, the presidential candidate hangs around "Weekend Update" a little too long
Memphis congressional race gets ugly
Racial politics and religious differences collide
Yep, Evangelicals Prefer Clinton to Obama
Zogby releases data from pre-election surveys.
Survey: Evangelical Democrats Favored Hillary in Mo., Tenn.
One of three evangelical voters voted in the Democratic primaries.
Citizen Dobson's Huckabee Endorsement
Family activist still finds McCain 's candidacy "a matter of conscience."
Breaking: Dobson to Endorse Huckabee
First-ever primary endorsement follows promise not to vote for McCain.
Updated: Mitt Romney Suspends Run
The Republican candidate said that although he disagrees with McCain on many issues, his prolonged candidacy would make it easier for a Democrat to win.
CNN: Mitt Romney to Suspend Run
Where will his votes go?
Jim Wallis: Primaries Show Evangelicals Moving in a Different Direction
Sojourners leader believes candidates will have to gear their focus to issues like poverty and climate change.
Super Tuesday Results Show Split Between Evangelicals and Their Spokesmen
Dobson's anti-McCain e-mail doesn't seem to have made a difference.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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