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Georgia's "Other Christian" vote
Does that mean "black church"?
Dobson Puts his Foot Down: He will not Vote for McCain
Focus on the Family founder says he may just sit out of this election.
Report: Born Again Voters No Longer Favor Republicans
Huckabee Survives Super Tuesday?
Former Arkansas governor apparently strong in South.
Huckabee Scores Super Tuesday’s First Blood
It's Romney's blood, thanks to the McCain campaign.
Join Christianity Today for Super Tuesday Coverage
Christianity Today's editors and several special guests will be blogging here tonight.
Pastor Draws Attention of Candidates Seeking Latino Evangelical Votes
Samuel Rodriguez's cell phone has been ringing lately as candidates look for Hispanic evangelical votes.
Why Huckabee will bomb in big cities
The perils of truly believing what you are preaching
How Evangelical Republicans Are Voting So far
Florida looks a lot like New Hampshire.
The Evangelical Choice
Pew Forum asks whether evangelicals will flock to any particular candidate.
One Look at Hillary's Outreach to Evangelicals
Pulitzer-prize winning cartoonist targets evangelicals and Hillary.
Thompson Drops Out of the Presidential Race
Republican candidate did well among evangelicals but never took off.
Obama Still Hoping to Catch the Evangelical Vote
The presidential candidate says the Democrats haven't done enough.
Mike Huckabee: "All Things to All People"
How Huckabee's "cosmopolitan" faith helps him reach out to both the old and new guards of evangelicalism.
Michigan primaries: Romney wins among evangelicals
Among non-evangelicals, too.
Is the Constitution unbiblical?
Huckabee's provocative call "to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards."
What We Really Want
Despite the rumors, evangelicals will not be on the sidelines this election.
Rob Bell on politics
Listening to one of Michigan's most prominent pastors on primary day.
New Hampshire: The polling gets better
After Iowa omission, Democrats are finally asked about religion.
Those Iowan evangelicals
Who voted for Huckabee and why.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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