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Searching for Abba on Father’s Day
What Daddy said to me, a 'love child,' that changed my life.
The Untold Story of Donor-Conceived Children
The next reproductive-technology issue coming to a church near you.
Filling the Dad Gap
John Sowers addresses the root of many social ills.
My Top 5 Books on Family Ministry
By Reggie Joiner, author of 'Think Orange'
Focus on the Females
James Dobson explains his ideas for raising daughters, and life after Focus.
Why Dads Matter
The role of fathers may be changing, but it's no less essential.
What a Father Remembers
Sometimes the most meaningful moments get lost in the busyness of life.
A Positive Life
Living with HIV as a pastor, husband, and father.
The Myth of the Perfect Parent
Why the best parenting techniques don't produce Christian children.
Silencing the Maternal Nag
I've learned that our baby needs a mother and father, not two mothers.
In the Loop: Pre-Sex Prayer, More Women Pastors, and Father-Daughter Baseball Bonding
What the women's blog editors are reading today.
Born Again
Breadwinning Moms and Stay-at-Home Dads
Wheaton College English professor balances work and parenting as breadwinner.
Up Takes Disney Higher
Pixar's latest hit takes Disney beyond its usual princess tales.
Deconstructing the Quiver
A review of Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement.
Blessed Are the Barren
The kingdom of God springs forth from the empty womb.
The Fatherless Child
It is a unique cultural moment for the church to act like a family.
We Are Not Pregnant
The glory of men and women lies in their unbridgeable differences.
Guys and Dads
Elephants in puberty are like men without fathers, says Donald Miller.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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