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Things Broke People Do
We're not the only ones responsible for our financial state.
The Secrets of a Giving Church
Why one denomination’s members give way more than your church's members do.
Transforming Scrooge
What does it take to turn greed into generosity?
Raising Money from Millennials
They're in debt. They don't trust institutions. But they will give generously to your church if you approach them in the right way.
Giving is Global
Glimpses of diverse generosity.
Is It Stealing From God to Split Your Tithe Between the Church and Other Charities?
Three views on what it means to give faithfully.
Remembering St. Nick
Skye Jethani: Recipe for Church-365 (Part 4)
What if your church gave volunteers, leaders, and money to other churches' ministries- on purpose?
Katrina Volunteers Continue, Even When it Costs Them
Volunteers remain willing to donate time and labor, even if it means that they have to pay.
Should the Jobless Tithe Unemployment Benefits?
Observers discuss a stewardship dilemma.
Do Christian Athletes Strike Out on Big-dollar Contracts?
Observers ask whether Albert Pujols' Christian testimony squares with his holding out for the largest contract in the history of baseball.
Are American Evangelicals Stingy?
Observers discuss whether Christians are generous enough with their money.
How Evangelicals Give
Church members' giving is decreasing in the recession, especially as a percentage of income.
Connoisseur for Christ: Roberta Green Ahmanson
What inspires the art enthusiast to give millions away?
Give to Street People?
Christian thinkers weigh in on whether Christians should always give money to people on the street who ask for it.
Tim Keller: What We Owe the Poor
The pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church says seeking justice is not optional for the person saved by grace.
Progress Against AIDS Falters
Christians should make the moral case for sustaining aid programs.
Mixed Blessings
Love offerings prove taxing.
Blinded By Stuff
Radical: Taking back your faith from the American dream.
State of the Plate Results
Collections decrease for many, especially in December, new survey shows.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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